Atomistics Material Device and Quantum Simulation TCAD Tool

 IMPULSE TECHNOLOGY provide cutting technology of next generation nanoscale material and device (Nanotechnology), Semiconductor devices TCAD and Quantum Technology (QTCAD) Spin Qubit quantum dot Semiconductor device Simulation software for education, commercial and R&D sector in India. Our team is expertise in modeling the quantum properties of molecules, materials, nanoelectronic devices, semiconductor device, Quantum TCAD spin qubit devices.

Our Simulation Software

NanoDCAL Software output:-Density of State, Effective potential. Total energy, Band structure. Charge, Hessian, Phonon Band structure. Electron Density, Potential, Transchennel.Eigen State, Full band structure, Effective Mass. Complex Bandstrucure, ZT Phonon Density of state, Phonon full band structure, Phonon Transchannel, Modulus, ZT. Transmission, Photo current, IV Curve, Charge, Electron density, Potential, Conductance, Thermoelectric current, Total Energy, force, stress and many more.

RESCU Software output:- DOS, PDOS, LDOS, PLDOS, Band unfolding, mulliken population, Band Structure, Charge Analsys, Phonon DOS, Phonon Bandstrucure, Raman Spectrum, Refractive Index, Optical properties, dielectric constant & many more.

QTCAD Software output:-Wave function, Charge stability diagram, Rabi oscillations, electric-dipole spin resonance, Valley coupling, Classical electric noise, Micromagnet, Quantum Dot chemical potential, Single electron energy levels, Single electron envelope functions & many more

Videos of NanoDCAL, RESCU & QTCAD

Flexible License Policy

• Single License (One License)
• Nano bundle License (5 License)
• Big Bundle License (10 License)
• Lab Bundle License (20 License)

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